Monday, August 6, 2012

Satsang in Santa Cruz

I stayed in Santa Cruz to do a satsang at the Pacific Cultural Center. Brent and Serena, wonderful friends, allowed me to stay at their home. Sandra, a wonderful friend from El Salvador, happened to be visiting the area at the exact same time. We all joined in satsang and shared in the a powerful field of love and gratitude. The energy was so strong that it was a miracle I could speak coherently. I found that  when people share an experience of gratitude, it unites the hearts of everyone attending. I am thankful for their participation, and I will cultivate this sort of participation in future satsangs. Dear reader, please feel free to e-mail me something you are grateful for in your life. I would love to receive your inspiration too. Above is a picture of my friend Brent. His generosity cannot be described. I am honored to be his friend. with love, Brian

1 comment:

  1. I am Grateful to be Grateful. I am Grateful that you came into my life, right now, this way. I am Grateful to be me. I am Grateful for my glorious, Divinely Dichotomous, LIfe. I am Grateful for this awesome, awe inspiring beauty called Life that flows through and around us. I am Grateful for sansushti. I am Grateful. I am that, I am!
    May I now move gracefully into the flow of the Divine expressing fully through me.
    In Love. So it is.
